I was just reading the 7 habits for Stephen Covey.. (Yah Yah.. I know, another one talking about the 7 habits), but really, I was stopped by this guy way of simplifying things, and show how much I didn’t give time to look into things more.
I am in the dilemma now of practicing what I read, and the first place to practice is ,of course, at work and at home, and to tell you the truth, things didn’t go the way I wished.
Getting back to the free will and choice of decision, i had to have the chioce of maintainig my PC, to revive the goose, and to get back on track..
My passion to Linux environment, building infrastructures and IT solutions had to win at the end.. the srtuggle was harsh, but the trophy was worth the fight.. It was not the choice of moving to the new company that i had to question.. it was what i was doing and what i can do best,
and at the end.. i am still learning.. if you know what i mean.